Photo by Laura Norton-Cruz
Photo by Laura Norton-Cruz
Photo by Laura Norton-Cruz
The Arctic Sounder: “Two Iñupiaq women work to become village-based lactation counselors to better support mothers in Northwest Alaska.” Link here. By Alena Naiden, 2024
Alaska Public Media: “The child care crisis is hitting rural Alaska hard.” Link here. By Desiree Hagen, 2023
Anchorage Daily News: “Mother-daughter duo to open Kotzebue’s only licensed child care facility amid Alaska shortage.” Link here. By Alena Naiden, 2023
Alaska Public Media: “Talk of Alaska: The Child Care Crisis” Link here. Interview with Lori Townsend, 2023
Alaska Beacon: “Would-be child care providers in remote Alaska say it’s all but impossible to get a State license.” Link here. By Claire Stremple, 2023
Alaska Beacon: “Alaska Department of Health moves to ease parts of child care licensing burden.” Link here. By Claire Stremple, 2023
Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: “Alaska’s Congressional Delegation Should Act to Help Families.” Link here. By Laura Norton-Cruz, 2022
Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: “Dunleavy’s bill would put children at greater risk of sexual violence.” Link here. By Laura Norton-Cruz, 2023
Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: “Bronson’s policy reversals are harmful to infants, parents and the workplace.” Link here. By Laura Norton-Cruz, 2021
Anchorage Daily News: “To combat sexism, Alaska has to stop looking the other way.” Link here. By Laura Norton-Cruz, Justin Williams, Samuel Ohana, and Stephen Courtright, 2021.
Radio Latina (OutNorthRadio 106.1): “20 de abril, 2024: La elección municipal en Anchorage.” Link here.
What’s Up, Alaska?! Pod, “Season 1, Episode 8: Creating Change in Alaska with Laura Norton-Cruz.” Link here, 2023.
MARC Podcast Series (Health Federation of Philadelphia, Prevention Institute, and Rooted Strategies): “Episode 2: The Role of a Backbone Organization, featuring Laura Norton-Cruz.” Link here, 2021
What people are saying
Photo by Representative Jennie Armstrong
Photo by Representative Jennie Armstrong
“Without question, your film made a difference in terms of what regulation changes got made and what the Child Care Task Force brought up and recommended.”
– Jordan Marshall, Government Affairs Consultant
“Laura spoke at a school nurse conference and has incredible compassion and understanding for the communities she serves. She has great energy and brings a positive helping attitude to every engagement. She is hard working, intelligent, and inspirational in all areas of her life and work. She truly cares about making a difference and shows it in her commitment to the work she does. I've enjoyed working with her on several projects- she is always professional and kind.”
– Kathy Adams Easley, Public Health Nurse
“On any issue the State faces, it’s important to put a face to the impact of the problem. When I saw the first screening in Juneau, it was clear there were issues around childcare licensing that the State needed to address. It motivated me as a legislator to look into what needed to change and to take action to change it. The result was becoming a Task Force member on the Governor’s Childcare Task force and legislation that was passed and signed to address some of the issues. Much of what the Task Force focused on were the regulatory problems that were highlighted in the film.”
- Representative Julie Coulombe (Republican, South Anchorage/House District 11)
“I have had the pleasure of both co-presenting with Laura & attending trainings she has facilitated on the topics of childhood trauma, historical trauma, and resilience. I have also seen & think highly of her work on childcare & parental support. She is professional, organized, empathetic, and very knowledgeable about these topics. I highly recommend her for your consulting needs.”
– L'aakaw Éesh Kyle Wark, Health Researcher
“It is obvious that improving childcare is essential to unlocking more economic growth and opportunity for Alaskans. Documentaries like the ones you’re working on help conservative and red state legislators and policy makers to see the business case for improving childcare close to home."
- Senator Jesse Bjorkman (Republican, Northern Kenai Peninsula/Senate District D)

Photo by Laura Norton-Cruz