Training & Technical Assistance on DV/SV & Reproductive Coercion
Audiences for this training have included:
Alaska Primary Care Association Summit
Alaska Maternal Child Health & Immunization Conference
Alaska School Nurses Association
Population Health Innovation Lab’s National Rural ACEs Summit
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s Labor and Delivery Department
Maniilaq Association
Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation
Kodiak Area Native Association
Southeast Regional Health Corporation
State of Alaska Department of Public Health Nursing Conference
All Alaska Pediatric Partnership Conference
State of Alaska DV/SA Prevention Summit
Elders and Youth Conference
School Health and Wellness Institute
Indigenous Research Collaborative to End Violence
American Association of Birth Centers
Since I spent the years 2013 - 2015 working with hundreds of Alaskans across rural and urban Alaska to create cultural adaptations of the national evidence-based best practice “patient safety cards” and related materials (all of which can be found here), I have offered online and in-person trainings to healthcare organizations and other agencies on these materials and this approach. These materials have been adopted by Alaska Department of Health’s Section of Public Health Nursing and the Department of Education and Early Development for their Alaska Safe Children’s Act curriculum, and by many regional Tribal Health Organizations. My most recent presentation to the Alaska Primary Care Association’s conference was very well-received, with comments such as:
"Thank you, this is valuable."
"Loved this topic, so helpful."
"The resources provided alongside this session along with Laura Norton-Cruz's expertise and coaching were outstanding. Thank you for bringing Laura to this conference!!"
If your health organization is looking to comply with HRSA requirements for improving intimate partner violence response, your education or youth services organization wants to learn about tools for teaching about healthy relationships, or your social services agency would like to effectively and efficiently address risk factors experienced by your clients, I can help with readiness assessments, tailored training, and ongoing technical assistance.

Photo by Joshua Albeza Branstetter; slide by Laura Norton-Cruz